lunedì 24 agosto 2009


“The one type of energy underlying all others is intelligence. A people or school of thought that succeeds in managing this enormous power possesses the elementary form that can be used to control any energy.
The historical phenomenology of this elementary energy is the leader.
The ‘Leader’ is the individual-vector of a number of different relations, capable of operating in the manner most effective for the context and gratifying for himself/herself”.
This is not meant to be just another book on leadership in an already-crowded market but a tool that defines new horizons for the ambitious. Many new lines of thought are introduced, as compared to the previous edition, being the practical result of application of the ontopsychological method to leadership consulting.
The Author illustrates a number of elementary rules that can be used in any field of advanced management, be it economic, scientific or economic.
…And then he moves on to an added dimension: the wisdom of being through having.

Antonio Meneghetti

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